Friday, January 5, 2007

My Girls: Hope

My most rewarding, but most difficult job is parenting. In six years, when the last daughter is no longer a teen-ager, I believe that I may be decorated by the Queen (no doubt she will still be on the throne!). Mothering, even with all the instincts which come with the job, is still the most demanding of all that I do. A mother knows that she must add to instinct, medical knowledge, psychology and the wisdom of all the mothers who've come before (and believe me, they are glad to share it with you!). But at least once a day, a mother (and a father) have to "make it up" on the spot. My first experience with being a mother was one of those situations.

Hope was born in an unexpected way, with serious health issues which threatened her life. None of the books or childbirth education classes had prepared me for the words from the doctors and nurses. I had to make it up on the spot. My instinct was to nurture and fix things for her. But I couldn't. Hope taught me to trust God for her healing.

Hope has continued to teach me, especially about God. I've learned about His great love for us, because of my great love for her. I've learned about His pride in His creation. I've learned about His continued nurture and care (Deists must not be parents!).

My firstborn, Hope, is a lovely young woman, a wonderful wife and an amazingly caring and nurturing mother. She is creative and talented, a wonderful conversationalist and writer. She is a woman of great conviction (she has to be, given her genetics)and passion. And to add to her complexity, she has a great sense of humor! Oh! and did I mention, a fabulous sense of style?!

I'm proud to be Hope's mom.


Hope Butcher said...

Thank you. All of the things mentioned, no matter how much has been added by others through the years, have originated in you and Daddy. You two are the best parents I have ever known. I realize now through being a mother myself just how much I learned from you as my mommy. I love you.

Derek said...

Hey, don't get carried away Kim, you know OUR queen don't just decorate anyone.