Saturday, January 27, 2007

A Victorious Saturday

Woo-hoo! I'm thrilled. Hope, Emma and I went to a Health Expo today (it was not a chick thing but it was kind of a girls' day out, though we were accompanied by a very sweet and cute Lex and joined later by Justin). Anyway...I am proud to announce that all my screenings were in the normal range: blood pressure, heart rate, body mass index (that's a biggie!!!), bone density and blood oxygenation. In fact, my bone density was better than Hope's, though hers was good. They told me that even if I live to be 100, I shouldn't have any problem with osteoporosis!! My blood oxygen level was 100%, a couple percentage points better than both Hope's and Emma's. My BMI was the same as theirs!! That is a major accomplishment on my part. I've worked hard for about a year and a half on diet and exercise, something I haven't been successful at for years and years. And, notably, Hope's BMI was in the normal range, only 4.5 months after having a very large and healthy little baby! I'm quite proud of her! Of course, Emma is in great shape; she walks all over campus and danced 3 days a week last semester. I'm not trying to compete with them [I can't at my age] and I'm not trying to go back to my high school days but...I want to be a good steward of my health. So, I'm pretty happy!


Corky Alexander said...

and I am proud of you for being "Slim" (Phil's nickname of you) and stunning. You are a babe!

Robb said...

Right on, Boss!

Anonymous said...

Extemely impressive! :)
The gumbo must not've had any adverse effects.

Kim said...

That is an impressive feat!! It must feel good!

Anonymous said...

i would just like to say that i have the most sexiest mother in the world, i'm not gonna lie

Anonymous said...

o yea i absolutely love the picture..

Hope Butcher said...

I'm so proud of my Mom as well! She brags on me but she's the one working out! )I can't take too much credit, I still have the little fat-sucker feeding off of me). Way to go Mommy! You SHOULD be proud! And because you're healthy, you'll bounce back from this flu-like thing speedy-quick! Let me know if you need any home remedies! Haha! ;)


I like THE picture :-)


I like THE picture :-)