Saturday, January 20, 2007

Good To Be Home

Just returned from a two week teaching stint in New York City. I was privileged to be able to teach a Winterim course on healing for New York Theological Seminary. The course met nightly at the historic Riverside Church. I spent a good bit of the time during the day at the Burke Library at Union Theological Seminary. New York is a great city, of course, but I find that I enjoy traveling much more when I'm with my family. Having two weeks to see New York as New Yorkers see it was a great experience, however: riding the subway to work everyday, braving the winter elements, drinking coffee at Starbucks. I enjoyed a Sunday morning service at Times Square Church and a MLK Memorial at Riverside (with MLK III, James Forbes and John Edwards) But I did do some tourist stuff, some new, some a repeat of what I've done before. And I enjoyed some great food: Chinese in Chinatown, Italian in Little Italy, and thanks to the hospitality of one of my students, a pastor from Harlem, Soul Food at Sylvia's in Harlem! The tourist highlight was visiting an exhibit on Spanish art at the Guggenheim: El Greco to Picasso. I found myself quite attracted to El Greco's moody, dark work, especially the religious art.

But, it's true, there's no place like home. And for me, home is not a state, as I've lived in quite a few of those. Home is where my family is. It was wonderful to be hugged, kissed and greeted by Corky, Leslie and Little Missy!


Hope Butcher said...

I have commented a lot on your trip already, haven't I? Well, I will agree that lucky for us-- home is NOT a state. It is definitely where your family is. Unless they are also in Gulfport/New Orleans, in which case they are not home either but that's not their fault. :)

Peter Zefo said...

Sylvia's is amazing! I got to eat there last January for the Chaplains course at NYTS.

Corky Alexander said...

Good to have you homr. Sorry I'm sick.

Phil Hoover said...

One of the most wonderful services I can remember being in was at the historic Riverside Church the weekend before Christmas, 1999. It was on a Sunday night, and my buddy Kevin Moses and I went to the "Candelight Carols" at Riverside...I even had my picture taken with Dr Forbes.

The music was splendid, and the people were warm.

And what a beautiful sanctuary.

Great, great city. The next time you are in NYC, go over to the Brooklyn Tabernacle.