Sunday, May 6, 2007

Past, Present and Future

I've just returned from a whirlwind week-end in which I participated in a so-called retreat (which was as much a high-octane energetic Pentecostal tear-down as I've ever been involved in!), a family reunion and a worship service at the church I attended as a little girl. As it turned out, I saw nearly every cousin, aunt and uncle I have on both sides of my family. In addition, I got to see and spend time with Doug and Anna Phillips, two of my dearest friends in ministry.

Within a matter of a few days I have reflected on my heritage, enjoyed my present and rejoiced over the future and especially over that of my children (both Emma and Leslie received amazing prophecies about their future ministries). I looked at a lot of old photographs of my grandparents lives and ministry (I'll post some of those later) and talked with cousins about where they are ministering now.

It was, in many ways, an encapsulated picture of my life. I'll be sorting out the insights for weeks to come!

And, as is always true of reunion times....I ate some great food!!

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