Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Dreaming of a White Christmas

So, here I sit, dreaming of a white Christmas. I'm afraid it is only a dream. The weather is balmy. It has actually seemed inappropriate this year to have a Christmas wreath on the door....it's sunny and warm.

But Christmas isn't really about atmospheric conditions. Snow, sleighbells (never have actually heard those on Christmas or much of any other time), even fires in the fireplace don't really make it Christmas. It's about tradition.

Of course, we always think first of the foods we love at Christmas, the ways our family celebrates. And that's a part of what I'm talking about when I say "tradition." As we learned from Fiddler, "Tradition!" holds things together. Our family traditions connect us to each other but also to the larger Tradition, especially at Christmas. The larger Tradition is the history of those who follow Jesus, and how they have worshiped and honored Him, and specifically, the Incarnation.

So, I'm tired of the annual Christmas War, led by those who want to diminish the importance of the celebrations. Yes, of course, we borrowed a lot of the traditions from Pagan cultures or Turner Classic Movies. But God is about redemption, so the hanging of the wreath, the lighting of the tree, the yule log (not my family's tradition but I've been thinking of making Julia Child's Buche de Noel this year!), all can be redeemed to honor the Incarnation. As the Eastern Church says, his becoming flesh has redeemed flesh and all of creation. So, the tree, the holly, the applesauce cake, the bubble light (that one is for Corky) can all reflect the greatest of all stories.

So, while I dream of a White Christmas....Christmas is actualized even in the heat of a Southern December!


Corky Alexander said...

This is very beautiful and I am jealous that you are such a great writer. No one knows more about Christmas than you. Thanks for the nice things you said about me.I love you, Cookson

Hope Butcher said...

I, as always, never feel in the real Christmas spirit until I get to G & G's house on Christmas Eve. I love the hoopla that Christmas brings on; the all-out celebration. However, I despise the stress and business that it brings on. I'm not just saying this because that's what Christians are supposed to say. I really DO hate the stress. And, no, the weather is not helping much this year. At the same time, I know that more than ever before (because of the presence of our presious Leximus), I will definitely feel the spirit of Christmas, as I have known it over the years, on Sunday evening. We will survive the fa-la-la!

Hope Butcher said...

I meant, "precious".