Monday, May 12, 2008

Dottie Rambo 1934-2008

My dad sent me an email with the sad news that Dottie Rambo had been killed in an accident in her tour bus early Sunday morning. Dottie was one of the earliest influences on me as a gospel singer. When I was very young, my dad brought the Rambos to Rock Hill, SC (my hometown) for a concert. I was mesmerized by this tiny woman with the huge voice, who could tear up an electric guitar, and, though I didn't recognize it, sang under an anointing of the Holy Ghost[she was UPC]. I do remember her shouting and dancing all over the stage, and shouting as my Dad's group, The Chordsmen, sang. I saw her a number of times in concert after that.

She was a prolific songwriter, writing over 3500 songs, recorded by numerous artists, even outside of gospel music, including Whitney Houston ("I Go to the Rock"). Some of her best-known songs, most of which I've sang at some time or other, are "He Looked Beyond My Fault", "We Shall Behold Him", "I Will Glory in the Cross", "Sheltered in the Arms of God", "If That Isn't Love", "Too Much to Gain to Lose" and "Remind Me, Dear Lord".

Dottie could be categorized as country-gospel, I suppose (her ex-husband, Buck, certainly could be), but Dottie had soul. I didn't like every phase she went through, and by no means, followed everything she did. Actually, I never owned that many of her albums, but her influence on me is undeniable.

Here's Dottie singing "I Will Glory in the Cross" in the early 1980s. I only regret I couldn't find a video of her playing lightening fast guitar as well!


Phil Hoover said...

This awful news greeted me this morning when I got to the office as well.

I remember hearing The Rambos many, many years ago in person...of course, I have sang many of her songs also.

"The Holy Hills of Heaven" called our precious Dottie, and she answered.

Great blog, always.

Fred said...

Kim, Thanks for posting this great number by Dottie Rambo. We were saddened to learn of her death on Sunday via tv report. I stopped everything else and listened to her sing several this morning. What a blessing.

L A Brannen said...

What an influence her music has had on my life. What a tragedy to loose her. "Who now will write our songs of praise?"