Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Shout All Over God's Heaven

Mahalia. Undisputed Queen. Some of my earliest memories are of seeing her on her television show late at night. At Christmas I was drawn to her rendition of "Sweet Little Jesus Boy" more than anything else on the "Treasury of Christmas" boxed set. This clip is from the Newport Jazz Festival.

The sad story is that even though she was viewed as the Queen, appearing at Newport and touring Europe, her death was escalated by bladder trouble which she contracted as a result of driving long periods of time while touring looking for "colored" restrooms.No wonder she sang "Everybody talkin' 'bout heaven ain't goin.'"

Watch this and you'll understand me better. Better yet, watch this and you'll hear pure soul, pure gospel


joel w. clackum said...

She is truly amazing!

Anonymous said...

Well that was just fantastic! That You tube is great isn't it?
Yeah, I can see YOU in there. :) It is evident that Sister Mahlia has influenced your style.
My daddy would love it!
Your friend, Sister Brown