Sunday, March 4, 2007

A Consuming Passion

Yesterday we went to see the movie "Amazing Grace". It was Corky's birthday and my parents were in for the week-end. Hope, Josh, and Lex came as well. And Leslie, of course. Emma was working. I had been eagerly anticipating seeing the movie, having read a lot about it and Wilberforce of late. It did not disappoint. Wilberforce struggles between activism and working for the Lord and is advised that he can do both. As Steve Land would say, "It's a false choice."

What most impressed me, or provoked me, was how all-consuming his long fight became, eventually making him ill. To be consumed with a cause of justice, haunted by it is a "gift" which is not to be envied. But it is these people who change the world. And Wilberforce did. I was also stirred by the parallels between the politicizing of issues then and recent events, the challenges that those who engaged in the fight for abolition faced with regard to their loyalty to their country.

I won't spoil it one but the most moving portions involve John Newton (possibly my Mom was a Newton!) and his recollection of being a slave-trader.

It is rare that a movie which has historical value, a wonderful story, and important values but is also so timely makes it to the bigscreen.


Hope Butcher said...

The movie was so great! The "beautiful African names" line has haunted me since we saw it Saturday. There are still so many beautiful African names who need to be fed, comforted, loved, healed...there's so much to do. But where do I start? I have diapers to change! I continually live in this tension.

Jane said...

We saw the movie Saturday. It is an inspiring depiction of one man's answering his "call". I tend to back away from confrontational politics, but the movie nudged me toward a resolve to do the right thing for justice sake.
I found your sight while googling William Wilburforce's name looking to confirm his burial place. I think the movie said he was buried in Westminster Abbey. We currently have a son studying abroad in London. I mean to ask him to go there for me and pay my respects. When he returns I will see that he catches us to speed and sees the DVD about Wilburforce.
I enjoy your blog.

Kelly said...

I too was extremely moved by this movie! It sent me into a tailspin of sorts. I agree with everything you said and more. I'm so glad that this movie made it to the big screen. I think Christians should be required to see it. There is enough sermon material in there to give them stuff to chew on for weeks.